(c) 2010 by Mona Leeson Vanek
Flexing Your Creative Brain Cells
Just like exercising your muscles, flexing your brain cells should be a daily affair. One ten-minute exercise ensures that your brain will create strong visual images and present you with story ideas. Within a month, your brain will become better conditioned for creative writing and you'll see a remarkable improvement.
- On one half of a sheet of paper, list 10 nouns.
- On the other half, write the name of an occupation.
- Below it, list 15 verbs used in that occupation.
- Create a sentence using one of the nouns and one of the verbs.
- When you've created 10 sentences, use them to make a vignette, a scene, or a little story.
Chapter 1 - Ideas and Basic Information- http://tinyurl.com/27fzovn
Next: 1-2, Let Multi-Tasking = Efficient Writing, http://tinyurl.com/29vrxkv
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