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9-5 Book Publicity and Marketing

(c) 2010 by Mona Leeson Vanek

As you've noticed, I include information provided by several successful professional writers that elaborate on these two essential parts of becoming successful to growing your career.

Ally E. Peltier, experienced editor, writer, publishing consultant and owner of, shares this advice for new authors.

"It is critical to show prospective publishers that,
  • "a) they understand they will be working hard to publicize and market their own books;
  • "b) they have already begun working to establish a foundation for such an effort by building an effective platform;
  • c) they are smart, professional, and as enthusiastic about the business side of being an author as they are about the creative craft of writing."
But what if you've self published your book? You'll be using the Internet in as many creative ways as you can to publicize and promote it! In today's publishing world when editors come across a self-published book's title a few times online, they type the title into a search engine to check whether or not it's being widely touted. In today's publishing arena it pays to have your book reviewed or commented on favorably, in print and online, as many places as possible.

TIP: Midwest Book Review,, provides exceptionally well organized information. Don't miss Book Publicity and Marketing link to,

Reviews posted to that site apparently are widely distributed in bulletins sent to libraries and numerous other possible book buyers. Get your literate friend or aunt to become a reviewer and plug your book there. The reviews are very short, and the reviewers aren't paid, but don't miss this opportunity to make it possible for editors read reviews of your book(s).

If you have a book or more on Amazon, and haven't checked recently, Amazon has introduced a new area: author pages. You can have a bio, photo, it lists your books, and not only that you can also have a blog and ... Oh I forget. Anyway it's an excellent promotional item.

At The Bauu Institute Press,, among the wealth of information and resources for authors you'll find The Free Press Release Sites for Book Marketing and Author Promotion, It's a collection of press release sites where you can submit your announcement, all for free.

Search the web and you'll locate an astounding number of websites to get the word out, but beware that you do not entangle yourself with spurious sites, else you may harm your reputation. You'll also find addresses of newspaper, magazines and periodicals that print book reviews. Take every advantage to spread the word about your book as quickly as possible, and continue promoting it until the last copy is sold -- no matter who is doing the marketing!

With the advent of social networking, the world of publishing changed rapidly. If you're new to social networking (or even if you're not), check out Debra Littlejohn Shinder's article, "10 Ways to Stay Out of Trouble when you Post to Social Networking Sites" on the TechRepublic site at

Debra is highly respected for her virtual-crime fighting expertise. Her titles include MVP/Security, Editor, WXPnews (,, and Tech Blog:

On the bookshelf, "Throwing Sheep in the Boardroom" is the first comprehensive book written for a wide audience about the Web 2.0 social networking revolution,

Authors Matthew Fraser and Soumitra Dutta wrote, "The generation entering the workforce today - and entering boardrooms everywhere - is fully engaged with social networking and its uses. Rather than feeling threatened and paranoid, today's business leaders need to understand this phenomenon, accept that it won't go away, and embrace its power in the world of business."

Give serious thought to how you use this powerful new medium. Although social networking is increasing at phenominal speed in the business world and vastly enhancing the work-a-day world, it warrants the time to learn about its many uses.

Another recent development for pubicizing your book is Amazon's induction of a new area, author pages. If you have a book or more on Amazon ou can have a bio, photo, it lists your books, you can have a blog, and other goodies. Check it this excellent promotional item.
Learn more at, Be sure to read,

Chapter 18 - Book Publishing:

Next: 9-6, What About Distribution and Publicists?

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this information!

    I offer a free book publicity e-zine that might be helpful to your readers, too. They can subscribe at

    Sandra Beckwith


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